Camper tanks

20 liters tower NEW 27x20x39

20 liters tower NEW 27x20x39

348.00 zł netto
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Zbiornik 30 litrów płaski 70x31x17

30 liters flat 70x31x17

398.00 zł netto
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32 liters 60x24x24 tower

32 liters 60x24x24 tower

446.00 zł netto
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32 liters flat 60x24x24

32 liters flat 60x24x24

448.00 zł netto
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40 liters flat 75x37x16

40 liters flat 75x37x16

504.00 zł netto
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51 liters 120x40x12 flat

51 liters 120x40x12 flat

597.00 zł netto
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60 liters 35x25x80 tower

60 liters 35x25x80 tower

536.00 zł netto
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Zbiornik 60 litrów 80x35x25 płaski

60 liters 80x35x25 flat

538.00 zł netto
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64 liters 60x24x48 standing

64 liters 60x24x48 standing

546.00 zł netto
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64 liters 60x48x24 flat

64 liters 60x48x24 flat

548.00 zł netto
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65 liters 40x45x40 cubic

65 liters 40x45x40 cubic

578.00 zł netto
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Traveling by motorhome is an unforgettable adventure that more and more people are choosing. Freedom to choose the route and independence related to the lack of need to look for accommodation are the main advantages that are appreciated by campers. With the current technological possibilities, during the trip we are provided with everything that is needed for everyday functioning in the motorhome. It is no different with equipment that allows you to maintain hygiene every day of your journey. One of the most important elements are the tanks for the motorhome. It is in them that water supplies are primarily stored.
What are the characteristics of camper tanks?

Containers for the camper have small sizes and ergonomic shapes, thanks to which they take up little space. What's more, they are relatively light in weight, which makes them convenient to carry. Unlike metal tanks, they are characterized by a low intensity of the so-called splashing during transport.

Our online store offers a wide selection of water tanks of various capacities. So you can easily choose the container that is best suited to your individual needs. Polyethylene water tanks for motorhomes are an excellent choice when it comes to caring for the environment. What's more, high-quality materials and the use of the rotation method make them extremely durable. This means that the purchase of this type of containers for the motorhome becomes an investment for many years.

Camper containers are equipped with lids. Some tank lids are vented and others are airtight, but the design allows you to vent yourself. All tanks for the camper, which are offered in our online Waterflex store, are manufactured on the basis of safety certificates. Tanks with PZH approval allow you to store drinking water and other food liquids in them.

Remember to regularly refill the water tank in the motorhome. Thanks to this, we will ensure constant access to water during the journey. Filling the camper container itself is very simple. All you need to do is get the right accessories, such as a garden hose, hose tip or possibly a watering can.
Water tanks for the motorhome from the manufacturer Waterflex

We offer our customers a wide selection of high-quality water tanks for motorhomes. These include flat tanks, "tower" tanks for water, standing containers, tanks with handles, wheel arch tanks, car water tanks instead of a spare wheel or tanks with partitions. Partitions are a kind of breakwaters that increase strength, muffle the sounds of splashing water and help stabilize the tank. Tanks with partitions are also called partitions.

We use polyethylene in the production of our products. It is a plastic that is characterized by very high durability and is resistant to cracks and corrosion. What's more, polyethylene tanks for motorhomes are inert to acids, bases or organic solvents. They are also resistant to the negative impact of external factors, including temperature fluctuations or humidity. The water containers for motorhomes we offer are very easy to assemble and use. In addition, they do not require advanced treatments aimed at their maintenance during use.

Plastic containers for the motorhome are created based on the diverse needs of customers. Our goal is to ensure that the water installation in the motorhome is reliable. We understand that a wide selection of dedicated tanks may not be easy. That is why our specialists will be happy to help you make a decision regarding the purchase of the optimal solution.

We create the best products that will significantly affect the comfort of your journey.

Dlaczego warto wybrać zbiorniki Waterflex?

W ofercie firmy Waterflex znajdziesz solidnie wykonane zbiorniki na wodę pitną, które można dopasować pod względem rozmiaru czy kształtu do indywidualnych potrzeb. Wykonane są z polietylenu, czyli bardzo trwałego tworzywa sztucznego, które zostało dopuszczone do kontaktu z żywnością. Jest on odporny na działanie różnego rodzaju czynników chemicznych, fizycznych oraz atmosferycznych, dlatego świetnie sprawdza się do produkcji zbiorników na wodę. Oprócz tego wykazuje się dużą solidnością, a do tego jest to tworzywo sztuczne, a więc trwałe i nie ma problemu z korozją.

Każdy ze zbiorników charakteryzuje się przy tym idealną szczelnością – ich eksploatacja nie wymaga przeprowadzania regularnej konserwacji, jest zatem wyjątkowo tania. Producent zbiorników gwarantuje ich długoletnie użytkowanie nawet w trudnych warunkach, na zewnątrz, jak i wewnątrz budynków przemysłowych.

Warto pamiętać, że do magazynowania wody pitnej należy wykorzystywać wyłącznie zbiorniki spełniające restrykcyjne normy. Wybór naszej oferty jest z tego powodu najlepszym rozwiązaniem. Wszystkie dostępne w naszej ofercie produkty mają atesty Polskiego Zakładu Higieny i certyfikaty producenta, co oznacza, że korzystanie z nich jest całkowicie bezpieczne. Co bardzo istotne, nasze pojemniki mogą być wykorzystywane również do gromadzenia wielu innych rodzajów płynów i substancji sypkich, zależnie od indywidualnych potrzeb.
