Lids / caps for tanks

Pokrywka gwint wew. 20 cm

Internal thread cover 20 cm

55.00 zł netto
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Pokrywka gwint wew. 15 cm

Internal thread cover 15 cm

48.00 zł netto
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Internal thread cover 10 cm

Internal thread cover 10 cm

42.00 zł netto
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copy of Pokrywka gwint zew. 20 cm

Lid external thread 40 cm

96.00 zł netto
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pokrywka z odpowietrzeniem 8''

lid with vent 8''

84.00 zł netto
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Pokrywka gwint wew. 5 cm

Internal thread cover 5 cm

38.00 zł netto
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Pokrywka gwint zew. 20 cm

Lid external thread 20 cm

84.00 zł netto
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Lids for tanks are an extremely important element of the equipment of a container for drinking water or other liquid. It is thanks to them that you can safely transport the tanks without fear that the contents will get out. What's more, tank covers protect the liquid from getting into it various types of impurities. The lid can be a standard equipment of the container, so you can buy a specific canister with a dedicated lid right away, or you can buy a lid separately. A wide range of lids for different types of tanks can be found in our Waterflex online store.
Lids for tanks

The drinking water container must be equipped with a suitable type of lid. It is the lids for the tanks that prevent water or other substances from accidentally coming out of the inside. This is extremely important, especially in the case of tanks for the transport of liquids. These types of water containers are often used, among others, in motorhomes. Proper protection of the liquid inside is crucial for a smooth journey. What's more, people traveling with motorhomes usually stay in places far from any buildings. Lack of water in such circumstances would be extremely burdensome. Fortunately, modern tank lids are very durable and reliable. Thanks to this, you can be sure that the water placed in a plastic container will safely reach its destination.

Some tank lids have a vent as standard. On the other hand, lids for containers can also be airtight, but at the same time have such a construction that allows you to vent yourself in a safe way.

There are different types of lids for tanks. Among them, you can distinguish a lid with a float, which means that the water supply is cut off when the water tank is full. The most popular types of covers also include screw caps.

What's more, tank lids can usually be connected directly to a garden hose. It is a very convenient solution that allows you to fill the water tank quickly and efficiently. Another way to draw water from the tank is to install a tap or a pressure pump to it.
What are the functions of tank lids?

An important function of the water tank covers is to protect the contents from the penetration of various types of impurities. This is particularly important in the case of drinking water. Drinking water containers are often used on longer journeys. Appropriate protection of the tank by using a lid prevents the entry of dangerous bacteria and pests. Tank lids are invaluable when transporting liquids. This applies to both transporting it between factories and industrial facilities, as well as when traveling in a motorhome. Made of durable material, the lids are able to guarantee the safety of the substances inside. At the same time, it is easy to imagine how big financial and time losses could be incurred by the company in the event of waste of the transported liquid, i.e. if it gets out or gets inside of contaminants. Therefore, high-quality tank lids are an extremely important piece of equipment.
Tank lids from Waterflex

In our online store, you can buy both high-quality plastic drinking water containers and various types of lids for tanks. All products come straight from the manufacturer of Waterflex drinking water tanks. Our offer includes, among others, lids with a vent, lids with an external thread, lids with an internal thread and lids with a closing float. The lids are made of durable materials. They are perfect for protecting a drinking water tank. They guarantee safety and allow you to maintain an appropriate level of hygiene.

Dlaczego warto wybrać zbiorniki Waterflex?

W ofercie firmy Waterflex znajdziesz solidnie wykonane zbiorniki na wodę pitną, które można dopasować pod względem rozmiaru czy kształtu do indywidualnych potrzeb. Wykonane są z polietylenu, czyli bardzo trwałego tworzywa sztucznego, które zostało dopuszczone do kontaktu z żywnością. Jest on odporny na działanie różnego rodzaju czynników chemicznych, fizycznych oraz atmosferycznych, dlatego świetnie sprawdza się do produkcji zbiorników na wodę. Oprócz tego wykazuje się dużą solidnością, a do tego jest to tworzywo sztuczne, a więc trwałe i nie ma problemu z korozją.

Każdy ze zbiorników charakteryzuje się przy tym idealną szczelnością – ich eksploatacja nie wymaga przeprowadzania regularnej konserwacji, jest zatem wyjątkowo tania. Producent zbiorników gwarantuje ich długoletnie użytkowanie nawet w trudnych warunkach, na zewnątrz, jak i wewnątrz budynków przemysłowych.

Warto pamiętać, że do magazynowania wody pitnej należy wykorzystywać wyłącznie zbiorniki spełniające restrykcyjne normy. Wybór naszej oferty jest z tego powodu najlepszym rozwiązaniem. Wszystkie dostępne w naszej ofercie produkty mają atesty Polskiego Zakładu Higieny i certyfikaty producenta, co oznacza, że korzystanie z nich jest całkowicie bezpieczne. Co bardzo istotne, nasze pojemniki mogą być wykorzystywane również do gromadzenia wielu innych rodzajów płynów i substancji sypkich, zależnie od indywidualnych potrzeb.
