Rainwater tanks

Zbiornik Verticale

Zbiornik Verticale

1341.00 zł netto
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30 liter barrel tank

120.00 zł netto
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Barrel 100 l ZWB

Barrel 100 l ZWB

320 zł
288.00 zł netto
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300 liters ELBI 70x80x66

300 liters ELBI 70x80x66

720.00 zł netto
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copy of 4 liters 32x15x10

copy of 4 liters 32x15x10

300.00 zł netto
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copy of 4 liters 32x15x10

copy of 4 liters 32x15x10

260.00 zł netto
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copy of zbiornik podziemny DRAGON 30m3

DRAGON underground tank 27m3

47000.00 zł netto
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DTaking care of the environment is an important aspect that should be taken into account when running a household. To contribute to the protection of nature, it is worth focusing on ecological solutions. One of them are canisters for rainwater. Thanks to them, water is collected from natural resources - rainfall. Rainwater can be reused, e.g. for watering plants around the house. A rainwater tank is also an economical solution that allows you to save money from the household budget. Buying a canister for rainwater brings only benefits!
Why is it worth having a canister for rainwater?

Water obtained from precipitation contains valuable ingredients that have a positive effect on plant growth. Rainwater is better for plants than tap water. Therefore, the barrel tank will appeal to lovers of garden care who want to provide their flowers, grass and trees with the best possible conditions.

Obtaining water from natural sources also has the additional advantage of protecting the building against possible washing away during heavy rainfall. Water collected in a rainwater tank is therefore not only eco-friendly, but also increases safety. This is especially important in places that are at risk of flooding as a result of prolonged rainfall.

In times of dynamically progressing climate change, a rainwater can is also very useful in situations where drought often occurs in a given area. Having rainwater tanks allows you to continue irrigating the garden or to use the water for another important purpose in such a situation.

Rainwater tanks are also perfect when we want to wash the vehicle, terrace or pavement in an ecological way. Thanks to them, there is no need to use valuable drinking water.

An extremely important advantage of rainwater tanks is the ability to save money. You can collect up to several hundred zlotys per year.
Above-ground and underground rainwater tanks

Rainwater tanks can be divided into underground and ground. Underground rainwater tanks are placed in the ground. Thanks to this possibility, they usually have a much larger capacity than above-ground water cans. What's more, it is possible to connect underground tanks to collect even more water.

Above-ground rainwater tanks, such as popular barrel containers, are most often used for watering plants. However, plastic water tanks can take very different shapes. You can freely move them from one place to another.
  Rainwater tanks in the Waterflex online store

Our online store offers various types of rainwater tanks, including an underground rainwater tank and a rainwater barrel tank. It will certainly appeal to people who focus on aesthetic solutions in their space. We offer cans for rainwater 100 l, 200 l or 300 l in various shapes and colors. Our online shop also includes classic rainwater barrel tanks.

Polyethylene was used for the production of water tanks, which is responsible for exceptional durability. What's more, the use of the rotation method, thanks to which the tanks have no welds, makes them even more durable.

The light weight makes the water cans easy to carry. In addition, some rainwater tanks are equipped with handles that help in transport.

Our store offers, among others, cube tanks, barrel tanks, horizontal tanks, square standing containers, flat tanks, donut tanks and vertical tanks.

Investing in a rainwater canister is a good idea, especially since all Waterflex containers are available at an affordable price. Everyone can afford to use them in their household.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with our offer - canisters for rainwater at a favorable price will certainly appeal to many people.

Dlaczego warto wybrać zbiorniki Waterflex?

W ofercie firmy Waterflex znajdziesz solidnie wykonane zbiorniki na wodę pitną, które można dopasować pod względem rozmiaru czy kształtu do indywidualnych potrzeb. Wykonane są z polietylenu, czyli bardzo trwałego tworzywa sztucznego, które zostało dopuszczone do kontaktu z żywnością. Jest on odporny na działanie m.in. różnego rodzaju czynników chemicznych, fizycznych oraz atmosferycznych, dlatego świetnie sprawdza się do produkcji zbiorników na wodę. Oprócz tego wykazuje się dużą solidnością, a do tego jest to tworzywo sztuczne, a więc trwałe i nie ma problemu z korozją.

Każdy ze zbiorników charakteryzuje się przy tym idealną szczelnością – ich eksploatacja nie wymaga przeprowadzania regularnej konserwacji, jest zatem wyjątkowo tania. Producent zbiorników gwarantuje ich długoletnie użytkowanie nawet w trudnych warunkach, na zewnątrz, jak i wewnątrz budynków przemysłowych.

Warto pamiętać, że do magazynowania wody pitnej należy wykorzystywać wyłącznie zbiorniki spełniające restrykcyjne normy. Wybór naszej oferty jest z tego powodu najlepszym rozwiązaniem. Wszystkie dostępne w naszej ofercie produkty mają atesty Polskiego Zakładu Higieny i certyfikaty producenta, co oznacza, że korzystanie z nich jest całkowicie bezpieczne. Co bardzo istotne, nasze pojemniki mogą być wykorzystywane również do gromadzenia wielu innych rodzajów płynów i substancji sypkich, zależnie od indywidualnych potrzeb.
